XPath queries

The W3C created XPath, or XML Path Language in full, to provide a standard syntax and semantics for addressing parts of an XML document and manipulating strings, numbers, and booleans. The Windows Event Log supports a subset of XPath 1.0.

  1. Using Get-WinEvent and XPath, what is the query to find WLMS events with a System Time of 2020-12-15T01:09:08.940277500Z?

Answer: Get-WinEvent -LogName Application -FilterXPath '*/System/Provider[@Name="WLMS"] and */System/TimeCreated[@Name="SystemTime"]="2020-12-15T01:09:08.940277500Z"'

  1. Using Get-WinEvent and XPath, what is the query to find a user named Sam with a Logon Event ID of 4720?

Answer: Get-WinEvent -LogName Security -FilterXPath '*/EventData/Data[@Name="TargetUserName"]="Sam" and */System/EventID=4720'

  1. How many results are returned?

Answer: 2

  1. What is the Message?

Answer: A user account was created

  1. Still working with Sam as the user, what time was Event ID 4724 recorded? MM/DD/YYYY H:MM:SS [AM/PM]

Get-WinEvent -LogName Security -FilterXPath '*/EventData/Data[@Name="TargetUserName"]="Sam" and */System/EventID=4724'

Answer: 12/17/2020 1:57:14 PM

  1. What is the Provider Name?

Answer: Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing
